Phase One of the First Avenue Linear Park is Complete
King of Prussia District partnered with PennDOT and nine commercial property owners to create the first of three multimodal trail projects along First Avenue. Phase One provides the foundation for future multi-use pathways that span from North Gulph Road to Allendale Road in Moore Park, KOP.
The public is invited to enjoy the features and amenities, including comfortable seating areas, lush planting beds, trees and monolithic stone blocks that create perfect meeting points for socially-distant conversations. Solar powered pedestrian lighting and trash receptacles span the accessible asphalt paths and concrete sidewalks to create a clean and safe environment for pedestrians year-round.
Design, engineering and access easements were produced by King of Prussia District with services provided by Ground Reconsidered, Pennoni and Unruh Turner Burke & Frees. The multimodal path and amenities were fabricated by Marino Corporation with construction inspection services by RK&K. This new public amenity is managed by King of Prussia District and made possible with $2.4M in multimodal federal and state grants administered by PennDOT.
King of Prussia District’s Phase One improvements also include six new solar-powered bus shelters to be installed in December by Quillen Contracting. These ADA accessible and environmentally-efficient structures are made possible with a $100,000 grant from Montgomery County in partnership with Upper Merion Township. Additional funding and project management provided by King of Prussia District.