Why 2024 is the Year of the Bus – ITDP

In recent years, many cities have begun to invest more in improving the quality of public transport infrastructure, including both physical and operational innovations.
However, compared to other transport investments (highways, airports, etc.), public transport receives far less support and is often considered secondary or less essential to many. Despite this, we know that public transport is vital to the functioning of all cities around the world, from Boston, USA to Nairobi, Kenya. And buses and minibuses are the backbone of public transport, serving the overwhelming majority of public transport trips. However, buses in particular are consistently underfunded and, consequently, under-appreciated in the broader transport agenda. At ITDP, we believe the bus needs to reclaim its place at the forefront of urban transport and progress.
Following the widespread impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which also served to highlight the essential nature of our public infrastructure, this is the time for cities to commit to improving public transport—starting with bus systems. Thus, ITDP is proud to debut the 2024 Edition of The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Standard, last updated in 2016, as part of our commitment to promoting quality BRT as a foundation for good public transport everywhere. The updates in this latest edition draw on ITDP’s decades of experience working on sustainable mobility and BRT projects worldwide, turning high-level policies and investments into on-the-ground transformation for all communities.
We know that now is the moment to be optimistic about our public transport systems, particularly ones that can be built around high-quality BRT and bus services. With the right investments, policies, and partnerships, this will be the year that buses help carry all cities into the future.