U.S. DOT Releases Roadmap to Speed Up Deployment of Technology that Allows Vehicles to Communicate Wirelessly – NPR
By Joel Rose
WASHINGTON — Safety advocates have been touting the potential of technology that allows vehicles to communicate wirelessly for years. So far, the rollout has been slow and uneven.
Now the U.S. Department of Transportation is releasing a roadmap it hopes will speed up deployment of that technology — and save thousands of lives in the process.
“This is proven technology that works,” Shailen Bhatt, head of the Federal Highway Administration, said at an event Friday to mark the release of the deployment plan for vehicle-to-everything, or V2X, technology across U.S. roads and highways.
V2X allows cars and trucks to exchange location information with each other, and potentially cyclists and pedestrians, as well as with the roadway infrastructure itself. Users could send and receive frequent messages to and from each other, continuously sharing information about speed, position, and road conditions — even in situations with poor visibility, including around corners or in dense fog or heavy rain.