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Commuting During COVID & Beyond Webinar

Mobility is one aspect that has dramatically changed for people during COVID-19. Join us for a FREE webinar about commuting resources and Lower Merion Township's TDM Policy.

  • The latest updates and tips for commutes that involve public transit, biking, carpooling, vanpooling, and working from home

  • Local resources and helpful sources of information for the most up-to-date transportation information

Lower Merion Township TDM Policy

During the webinar, we will also discuss Lower Merion Township's new TDM Policy. In partnership with GVF, Lower Merion Township recently adopted the TDM Policy.

The TDM Policy is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce AM and PM peak period trips at key intersections

  • Increase the amount of ‘saved’ vehicle miles traveled (VMT)

  • Achieve a 15-20% mode shift based on employees taking a TDM alternative such as cycling, carpooling, vanpooling, teleworking, or transit

  • Expand bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure

  • Increase public outreach efforts to promote multi-modal transportation

Lower Merion Township will encourage businesses to voluntarily implement the TDM Policy and will take an active role in advancing the strategies in the coming years through capital projects, regulatory tools, and public engagement efforts. Click here to see the Employer TDM Guide for Lower Merion Township.


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