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A Better Tomorrow Virtual Panel Session - The 82 Alliance

Join The 82 Alliance, a not-for-profit mobility think tank, along with partner host DS&MG, founders of Arlington Transportation Partners and the Mobility Lab located in Arlington, Virginia, for a virtual panel session with thought-leaders discussing how cities and towns plan beyond this pandemic and mobility trends in 2021 and beyond.

As we continue to navigate through this pandemic, mobility is certainly one of many areas that have changed dramatically. How do cities and towns plan beyond this pandemic? What type of technologies should be integrated to assist with mobility options? How do we plan for “A Better Tomorrow”?

DATE: 12/16/2020


Panel Speakers:

Roger Browne is Acting Director for the Traffic Management Section at the City of Toronto and the lead on MoveTo initiative.

The MoveTo initiative is a city staff action plan to help manage congestion and build a more resilient, modern, and safe transportation system. The initiative includes proposed implementation of smart signals, intelligent intersections, advanced transit signal priority, construction hubs, and transportation demand management.

Roger also oversees: The City's ~2400 traffic signals in terms of planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation, the City's RESCU Traffic Operations Centre, all traffic safety and efficiency related investigations, construction work zone coordination and both the City's new Traffic (Warden) Agents and school crossing guard program. The respective Units within his Section actively support both the City's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan and the new MoveTO – Congestion Management Plan.

Ryan is a co-founder at TransitScreen®, a Washington, DC-based company providing commute management solutions focused on real-time transportation information throughout the employee lifecycle.

He is a trustee at DC-based Federal City Council and previously served on the Board of Directors for ACT (Association for Commuter Transportation) and the Board of Directors for Give and Surf, a non-profit based in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Ryan is a frequent speaker at conferences and universities around the topics of transportation technology, real estate tech, urban mobility, travel, and entrepreneurship, including Code for America, Google X, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard University, US Department of State, NACTO, SPUR San Francisco, Consumer Electronics Show (CES), South by Southwest Interactive (SXSW), Oracle Open World, European Business Summit (Brussels), TUM (Technical University of Munich), Inter-American Development Bank (Montevideo, Uruguay), and the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES 2017) in Hyderabad, India.

Instrumental in Columbus becoming the sole winner of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Smart Cities Challenge in 2016, Jordan Davis has played a founding role as Director of Smart Columbus for the Columbus Partnership, leading strategy, and partnerships for deploying emerging technologies to improve people’s lives in cities. In her role, she has overseen one of the country’s first self-driving vehicle deployments, formed partnerships with over 100 different organizations representing $720 million of aligned investment, and directed Columbus’ effort to increase electric vehicle adoption by nearly 500% breaking world records for EV education and leading the Midwest in market growth.

Most recently, Jordan incepted Can’t Stop Columbus, a grass-roots innovation movement responding to the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. The effort has attracted over 600 virtual volunteers, launched over 30 projects in 12 different issue areas of the community, and is now organizing to be a permanent organizing platform for civic tech and skilled volunteering into the future.

Jordan has been fortunate to speak to audiences around the world about her pioneering work and has been honored as one of the ‘Top 25 Government Doers, Dreamers, and Drivers’ by Government Magazine, ‘Top 100 Influential Young Executives’ by American City Business Journals, a ‘Rising Star’ by Automotive News, and one of ten Mercedes Benz Future of Mobility Fellows in the world.

Moderated by:

Rob has close to 25 years’ experience in TDM. Rob has consulted on national mobility projects throughout the country, as well as being a national speaker discussing TDM projects throughout the United States. He currently serves as the Chair of the Public Policy Committee for the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), which is the premier TDM organization in the United States, and also serves as the Immediate Past President of ACT.

The 82 Alliance is a not-for-profit mobility think tank that focuses on reimagining how we move our cities, towns, and people. During this time of social unrest, climate change, and the pandemic, we can and should be planning and creating a better tomorrow. During this pandemic, GVF felt there was a need to form a mobility think-tank, The 82 Alliance, which looks beyond the Greater Philadelphia region and more holistically on how are we are planning for our future and reimagining how we move people throughout cities and towns.

GVF has been advancing transportation demand management (TDM) strategies to help improve mobility for over 30 years. Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, GVF has been instrumental in helping to provide options for people other than driving alone. We have worked to expand trail networks, implement bike lanes, expand and enhance public transit, install over one hundred bus shelters, offered education and training on carpooling, vanpooling, and how to work from home. GVF also has a 501 c 3 nonprofit, Communities in Motion, and the 82 Alliance is a subsidiary organization of Communities in Motion.

The coronavirus pandemic has made us more aware of how vital these types of mobility options are in our communities. Communities in Motion works to:

  • ​Educate residents and businesses on alternatives to driving alone so that we have cleaner air and a healthier quality of life

  • Increase opportunities for enhanced mobility options, such as walking, biking, building trails, bike lanes, and more

  • Work with local governments to review site plans, zoning codes, and planning documents to evaluate where TDM policies and ordinances may be implemented

Serving the DC Metropolitan region for more than 20 years.

The Destination Sales and Marketing Group (DS&MG) is a mobility management company based in Arlington, Virginia. DS&MG has been in the industry since 1998 and has a solid reputation as a firm that creates innovative programming with measurable results. We are contracted with Arlington County to operate and manage Arlington Transportation Partners, BikeArlington, WalkArlington, Mobility Lab, as well as Capital Bikeshare marketing.

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